Account-based marketing (ABM) is shaping up to be the biggest revenue driver for B2B sales right now. While ABM as a business strategy has been around for quite some time, emerging technologies and new ways of looking at customer data have enabled it to become the go-to B2B strategy right now.
ABM is a red-hot topic in business, but many sales and marketing departments are still surprisingly unclear about why and how ABM works. So we’ve assembled a team of expert panelists to look closely at ABM and discuss its implications for the near and distant future.
In this 45-minute video panel discussion, we’re joined by three leading experts on account-based marketing: Engagio’s Jon Miller, Maria Pergolino from Apttus, and Craig Rosenberg, aka the Funnelholic, from TOPO. So don’t miss this video; it’s essential viewing for B2B marketers and sales teams.
And there’s more! We covered a lot of territory in the video, but I highly recommend these resources from our panelists:
- Jon’s full examination is a great primer: Seven Thought-Provoking Ways That Account Based Marketing Turns Demand Generation Upside Down. Also be sure to check out his slide deck Fishing With Spears: All About Account-Based Marketing.
- Craig gets tactical with Account Based Marketing: 11 Tactics to Drive your ABM Process and spells out The Difference Between Account Based Marketing (ABM) and Outbound Sales. Check out Craig on the TOPO blog and also his terrific blog The Funnelholic.
- Maria’s written a ton of great articles on ABM and B2B sales and marketing. Check out her author pages on Marketing Profs, CustomerThink, and Quora.

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