Here’s a time-saving hack for HR pros: read this 8-point synopsis before you fully commit to reading the entire Deloitte survey: Transformative Technologies Driving Human Resource Organizations to ‘Leap Ahead’ in 2012.
This report focuses on 8 human capital trends you need to understand in order to deliver top-notch HR in 2012.
- In 2012, growth is job#1: As the economy sloooowly recovers, growth is the word on everyone’s lips. Innovation, emerging markets and mergers and acquisitions all play a major role in the growth strategy. Capitalize on opportunities by informing and shaping the growth agenda from the HR seat, identifying places where HR will have to “step-up” to make a growth strategy happen smoothly.
- Operation globalization: Global integration models of doing business are on the rise. Your company’s home market becomes one in a pool of markets you serve, as opposed to the “top-dog” position it traditionally held. HR operations will have to be prepared for global people management and change management, designing global operating models for the HR side of business.
- Fast track to the top: AKA the development of high-potential employees to meet the demands of emerging markets and growth opportunities.
- People risk is risky business: In the world of “black swans” (Not the crazy ballet dancer from the movie of the same name but the low-probability event that has far-reaching ramifications), HR’s role in managing risk becomes stronger and more expansive. Risk-management becomes a day-to-day responsibility.
- Seeing around corners: Using workforce reporting and analytics to manage uncertainty and look for patterns in an increasingly complex workforce-management world. Are you using the data you gather, or is it siloed somewhere far away from the heart of the business?
- #social #mobile@work: Social Media and mobile devices create opportunities for HR to reach out to recruits and help internal customers, not just spy on people’s FB pages. Communities of practice and other great tools for your workforce spring from these exciting platforms.
- Clouds in the forecast: Cloud services are changing the way business operates, and HR has a key role in helping organizations adapt. HR’s role as an early adopter of many cloud-based services makes it a “no-brainer” as the de facto leader in organizational change around the cloud.
- Stay in front with an effective sales force: Multichannel sales require different skill sets and tools for the sales team. HR’s talent management, learning and development all must review current practices and make changes to benefit from this new model.
Warning: trying to implement all 8 at the same time may cause your head to explode. Select the relevant items that support the c-suite strategic agenda and crank them up. Then sit back and revel in the accolades. Good job!
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